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raccoon control chicago

Raccoon Removal In Chicago, Illinois

While some portion of the population consider the raccoons “cute”, this member of the rodent family is, in fact, intrusive, destructive, and can carry diseases that can present risks the human population. If you think your home may be infested, contact a professional for raccoon control in Chicago, to have the issue quickly taken care of.

Raccoons have been present in urban areas in the US since around the 1920s and the populations have grown expon

entially since the 1950s. Raccoons have become especially prevalent due to heavily populated areas being located adjacent to wildlife areas and forests in northern Illinois.

Rodents Can Easily Adapt to Their Habitat

Due to Raccoon’s ability to adapt in habitat and cuisine, the urban raccoon can have a home range area of up to 100 acres, are known to forage for food in residential neighborhoods, all while retreating to nearby woodlands for nesting. However the animals have also been known to make nests closer to humans, in dumpsters, chimneys, and even abandoned or vacant houses.  The animals can grow to lengths of 30 inches and up to 40 pounds or more, and have been documented to live as long as 20 years. Previously thought to be solitary animals, it is now believed and observed that the pest can travel and live in small packs.

Raccoons Are Dangerous

Raccoons can carry disease harmful to your pets and your family.  Canine distemper is a common one, but the pests have also been known to be transmitters of rabies, which can be fatal to humans. If you suspect your pet your child has had an encounter with a raccoon you should seek vet or medical help immediately. You should explain to your children the risks of coming too close to a raccoon. Wild raccoons can be extremely aggressive and dangerous, especially new mothers protecting their young which is why you should leave rodent control in Chicago to an experienced professional.

There are steps homeowners should take to minimize the threats of urban raccoons:

  • Feed your pets indoors, and lock pet doors at night.
  • Don’t feed raccoons.
  • Don’t provide them easy access to garbage. Keep garbage cans enclosed and sealed.
  • Don’t put food in open compost areas
  • Clean exterior grease traps
  • Clean your barbecue and the immediate area after each use
  • Eliminate entry ways to possible sites for dens, like chimneys, attics, and spaces under houses, by covering them with a material like 1/4 inch mesh screen.

Should you have a raccoon infestation that needs professional attention, a qualified pest control company should be called to deal with rodent control in Chicago. A professional can apply several different methods of control, including trap and release and more sophisticated measures. Once the problem is dealt with, the professional exterminator can assess your home and adjacent structures for damage caused by the pests, as well as point out potential points of entry, and how to secure those locations.